MoxiMinx - I puke, smear and eat shit for you

  • 18:47
  • 08.11.24

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Moximinx has saved up her shit for 2 days and 2 nights, and her ass is so fucking stuffed with it. On top of that, she ate so much dinner that her belly is purging out. She starts riding a dildo and sucks the shitty dildo like a dirty little shit whore. She starts slathering herself in her shit and hopes she has enough for her whole body. She shits out a fat turd and mashes it back into her asshole. She takes the long dildo covered in shit and starts to deepthroat and gag on it. As a result, all of her dinner comes out as puke. She then fists her ass to get the shit she stuffed inside earlier. She shapes it into a cookie shaped shit and takes a big bite. She chews it slowly, tasting everything and shows her empty mouth afterwards...


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