Ninounini - 100% FOOT FETISH (FUCK MACHINE): I shit in my high heels and crush the shit with my feet to make you lick it, before playing with my holes! (SCAT / PISS / FOOT FETISH / HEELS FETISH / ANAL / ATM / ATP)

  • 29:29
  • 02.11.24

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Finally a video in which I focus 100% on my feet/heels, while playing with my shit and my ass!First I'll tease you with my heels, then I'll pull them off 1 by 1 and make you lick my dirty feet. They are very fragrant and very dirty as you like.Then, I'm going to shit a nice turd in my high heels to put my foot in it and thus crush the caviar and make it overflow from the sides.Then I'll make you lick and suck my shitty feet, and smear caviar on my lower legs and heels.I will then cover myself in shit from head to toe (body, face and hair) because I love the feeling of shit covering my body.My fuck machine will then enter the scene to smash my ass and pussy by offering you different angles, while putting my feet forward for your greatest pleasure.Sometimes barefoot, sometimes with my high heels, I will vary the speeds in my holes taking a lot of pleasure.I'll piss as the fuck machine penetrates my pussy, in powerful jets.I will continue to pound the inside of my anus in different positions, before finally coming to give myself an orgasm and ordering you to cum with a count of 5 to 0...


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