MissAnja - Explosive Nasty Enema and Shit in Glass Bowl
- 19:18
- 23.07.24
I love being dirty girl, being your dirty girl so this time I found out I never made enema shit video in clear glass bowl and would be so much fun and looks good if I make that clear bowl messy and full of shit and dirty ass juicies. First of all I wear my white and pink strapped bra with cute mint green cotton brief. Seduce you in this cutie and telling you I wanna soak it in my yellow pee. Do you wanna see it? I’m sure you do. I start to pee myself in brief slowly and make pants wet for you. Amazingly great feeling to pee myself. Then take it off and I sniff lots of times my own panty. I love sniffing my own pants and I just tell you my little secret ? One of my fetish is sniffing my dirty, juicy panty. But I want to make and do bigger mess for you naughty boy then pee into pants. So as I have to poo I just filling my ass with water giving myself enema. I fill up at least 3 times with water my ass. Going to get the feeling pretty quick. Actually I was holding this poo from woke up. But as I mentioned at beginning I wanna fill with my warm and nasty shit this clear glass bowl. So I squat over on it and with strong stream I release this explosive shit and water from my ass. Can you hear these noises? It’s turning me on so bad. How about you? What a big amount of ass juice and shitt y water with poo mixing. ? and I just take a deep sniff few times of my pee soaked panty too. Look at that how much dirty liquid and shit in the bowl. I show up for you in the camera. Nice isn’t it? Then it’s time to giving myself more enema and sprinkle out of my ass more dirty stuffs. Fill up extensively and waiting. During waiting I hold the big bowl and touching with hand my delicious shit and dirty water. You can admire. And when feeling arrived I just squat over again and release the rest of shit and dirty enema water straight to the bowl, being make sure I filled up very well. I can’t stop pushing out more and more shit from me. ? and sniffing my pants. Great combination of being naughty girl. I release the very last drops as well give you a peek of asshole then holding the bowl. Touching again and show up shit in hand for you. This bowl is heavy haha. But the smells and view compensate for it. ? Would you like to taste me? Enjoy it...
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