Miss Medea Mortelle - Footgagging and Facesitting with Scat

  • 23:34
  • 22.07.24

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Today my slave has to prove himself. He has to endure a merciless slave training, that will surely take his breath. First he may worship my feet that I will soon stick deep into his throat. You can admire this extensive footgagging from 3 different camera perspectives. I am only satisfied, once I thorougly stuffed his mouth. Today he has to suffer a lot for me & he will use the safeword many times! Next, I facesit him in my red patent leather leggings. While he has to endure my weight on his face, he can´t breathe & that´s what amuses me. He also gets facesitting & breathplay by my naked ass. But is my slave what the biggest challenge will be? I take off my underwear and shit a huge load of shit into his mouth. Unfortunately some of my poop touches my foot. My slave has to lick the shit from my foot immediately! Then I put my leggings back on and sit on his face with my red leather ass. Now I am pushing the shit right into him. During this dirty facesitting, he has to swallow quite a bit if he does not want to suffocate. I decide how long it will last. Again and again I slap my ass onto his mouth and make sure that my shit stays where it belongs: Right in his filthy toilet hole!...


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