MilanaSmelly - Do a foot massage and eat our shit!
- 15:01
- 22.07.24
Do a foot massage and eat our shit! It was great, but very difficult! Today I have to do 2 things at once – do an excellent foot massage to my beloved girls and at the same time eat their shit. It was difficult for me to simultaneously concentrate on two things at once, and I often forgot about foot massage when I was eating shit, but the girls constantly reminded me of that. Both girls today received the maximum service from me, 1 girl devastated her ass, and the other enjoyed a massage. Swallowing today was very difficult. The girls were simultaneously tearing me apart – they wanted a high-quality foot massage and a high-quality toilet. I almost vomited on Kristina, her shit always has a strong taste and a liquid consistency, but I concentrated and did this dirty business! It was very bad for me, I was sick, but I tolerated it, and the girls at that moment were laughing and enjoying the process...
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