Intense One Hour Scat Filling Under Severe Duress
- 58:20
- 27.03.25
Slave Cosmo lies on the bed, all limbs spread wide apart. In the otherwise stylish ambience, a screeching purple tarpaulin indicates that unusual machinations are being planned here. The mistresses Miss Medea and Miss Yara sit on the bed. The tight buttocks right next to the head of the slave. Cosmo doesn't know yet that the possibly hardest and horniest hour of his life is ahead of him. The situation is clear. He is fixated. Escape is out of the question. His cock is additionally locked in a penis cage, so that even pleasure must take place more in fantasy than in reality. The mistresses get to work. The asses are placed one after the other on the masked face. Licking of the rosettes is strictly ordered. Submissively Cosmo gets down to work. If only it would remain so. Miss Medea gets relief without further ado by pissing into the slave's mouth. This is not a special preference of Cosmo. But what choice does he have? His opinion on the subject is known, but ignored. After that, it's down to business. The mistresses take turns. Distributed on unspeakable six loads, shit is fed to the poop mouth little by little. Whenever the slave thinks that now all shit must be out of the butt holes, the next mistress starts again and shits further. The toilet is trained mercilessly. A pump is used to press the poop deep into the throat when the hands are not enough. After for the slave seemingly endless 45 min he is choking and begins to resist. However, the mistresses are prepared for this. Miss Medea insists that the shit is swallowed to the last piece. Gagging is prevented. Violence is used. After another 15 min the slave has gone far beyond his limits and is rewarded with an orgasm.
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